Imate li phpMyAdmin web sučelje za rad s MySQL bazama?
Da. Pristup phpMyAdmin-u omogućen je u Helm Control Panel-u.
Zašto u MSSQL Server Management Studio Express ne vidim izlistane baze podataka?
Ponekad u MSSQL Server Management Studio Express-u možete vidjeti pogrešku ispod: 'The server principal ''Your Username'' is not able to access the database ''A Database Name'' under the current security context.
Jednostavno rješenje za ovaj bug u MSSQL Server Management Studio Express-u je procedura ispod:
Close the error message (make sure you cause the error to occur and then close it, or you will not be on the right screen for the next steps)
Press F7 to open the Object Explorer Details pane.
Right-click the column headers, and make sure that only the following columns are selected: Name, Date Created, Policy Health and Owner.
Right-click the Databases node, and then click Refresh.